Guru [goor*oo]
A natural leader, an enlightened master, a student of life, and a self-realized being who has committed to serve the world by sharing universal truths and wisdom. A living example of humility who has deep compassion for all.
Lightworker [lahyt*wur-ker]
A person who is born with the purpose of helping people, and the planet, transform to higher levels of consciousness. Someone who is on a mission to bring light to the world through their life and their business.
Spiritual/Spirituality [spir-i-choo-al-i-tee]
Leveraging various methods and tools to honor your magnificence, embrace yourself with love and confidence.
Reconnecting with your true purpose.
Divine/Divinity [dih-vin-i-tee]
The force beyond what we can see. The spirit that connect with and inspires your inner magnificence.
Success [ suhk-ses]
Abundance (financial prosperity) + fulfillment (personal freedom and a sense of purpose)
Transformation [trans-fer-mey-shuhn]
The birth of a new self. Similar to a caterpillar transitioning into a butterfly.
It’s not a change from Point A to Point B, instead it’s an evolution of Point A to a whole new Point A.
Magnificence [mag-nif-uh-suhns]
Inner genius; The natural beauty, strength, and unique value a person possesses by virtue of being human.
Soul [sohl]
Used in conjunction with heart, not by itself- Heart and soul is the deeply connected part of yourself, the part that is beyond the body, or anything that you can see.
Ruthless Compassion [rooth-lis] [kuhm-pash-uhn]
Honoring people’s greatness by cutting through limitations and any resistance to change.
Theory of Constraints [theer-ee] [uhv] [ kuhn-streynt]
The Theory of Constraints and Psych-K®️ tools help people overcome their biggest limitations in the context of individual goals, and when people transform their limiting beliefs into empowering beliefs, they can transform themselves to the next level.
With repetition over time, this process identifies and improves upon the weakest links (parts of one's self), which as a result makes the entire chain (person) stronger.
A natural leader, an enlightened master, a student of life, and a self-realized being who has committed to serve the world by sharing universal truths and wisdom. A living example of humility who has deep compassion for all.
Lightworker [lahyt*wur-ker]
A person who is born with the purpose of helping people, and the planet, transform to higher levels of consciousness. Someone who is on a mission to bring light to the world through their life and their business.
Spiritual/Spirituality [spir-i-choo-al-i-tee]
Leveraging various methods and tools to honor your magnificence, embrace yourself with love and confidence.
Reconnecting with your true purpose.
Divine/Divinity [dih-vin-i-tee]
The force beyond what we can see. The spirit that connect with and inspires your inner magnificence.
Success [ suhk-ses]
Abundance (financial prosperity) + fulfillment (personal freedom and a sense of purpose)
Transformation [trans-fer-mey-shuhn]
The birth of a new self. Similar to a caterpillar transitioning into a butterfly.
It’s not a change from Point A to Point B, instead it’s an evolution of Point A to a whole new Point A.
Magnificence [mag-nif-uh-suhns]
Inner genius; The natural beauty, strength, and unique value a person possesses by virtue of being human.
Soul [sohl]
Used in conjunction with heart, not by itself- Heart and soul is the deeply connected part of yourself, the part that is beyond the body, or anything that you can see.
Ruthless Compassion [rooth-lis] [kuhm-pash-uhn]
Honoring people’s greatness by cutting through limitations and any resistance to change.
Theory of Constraints [theer-ee] [uhv] [ kuhn-streynt]
The Theory of Constraints and Psych-K®️ tools help people overcome their biggest limitations in the context of individual goals, and when people transform their limiting beliefs into empowering beliefs, they can transform themselves to the next level.
With repetition over time, this process identifies and improves upon the weakest links (parts of one's self), which as a result makes the entire chain (person) stronger.