Have we ever considered, what is language, fundamentally? What is it, and how do we use it appropriately, for the best outcomes in our lives?!
We grow up learning language, mainly by observing people around us, and picking up bits and pieces of it from our immediate family and role models. While that may be a great way to start off learning language, as we grow up, there is a very important aspect of language that we all need to become aware of, and understand. First, there is the descriptive language, that most of us are aware of- a language that describes the world around us and describes our experience of it. This type of language is full of our personal and collective interpretations of the world around us. Then, there also is the generative language! This is the type of language where it is seen as a powerful tool for creation and manifestation of the world around us. Generative language is a phenomenal creative tool, especially when used with uplifting emotions to connect to! When language is used in a generative way, "your word becomes law". What you say, creates the reality around you. Slowly but surely, through consistent repetition, language also shapes our individual beliefs, and our entire collective belief system. Then, when we consistently operate within those confined belief systems, we create and shape our circumstances to fit that belief system. For example, if we use the language of "We are having a cash flow issue" or similar, over and over and over and OVER again, other people around us start to pick up on it and more people start using it- what happens is that this language and choice of words starts to create and shape the beliefs we have and how we experience the world within those beliefs. The interpretation called "cash flow issue", instead of being just a temporary descriptive language, becomes the generative language, without our conscious knowledge of what is happening! Generative language is a powerful tool for creation. We can use it to either empower us or disempower us. We can use it to lift ourselves up or pull ourselves down. Both ways, the power is in OUR hands. We can choose what word choice in language we would like to use, which is more empowering for us, so that we can CREATE a new empowering present and future experience for ourselves. If what we are experiencing now, is just a result of our own past thoughts, words, and actions, then what can we do differently now to experience a new future tomorrow?! It is absolutely critical that we ponder over this and expand our awareness, instead of just being stuck running around in a hamster wheel. Just consider that we're not having cash flow issue, we're creating it, with our own thoughts and words. If we take responsibility for creating it/having created it, we will also find that now we have the power to change it, again with our own thoughts and words! It's TIME to stop living at the effect of circumstances and start being at the cause of the matter. Time to stop being a victim, and be a Creator, a Victor instead. Think: How much money, in lacks and crores, will it cost, to just stop saying the three words "cash flow issue" in your language every day? If you knew that it costs you 1 crore rupees every time you say the words "cash flow issue" in your language, would you be more aware of it and choose a different set of words? If you were aware of it and used a different set of words, what new word choice in your language would you use to think with in your own mind, and communicate with people? What words could you use that are more in touch with the present fact based reality (not your interpretation of it)? It may seem difficult at first, because these word choices have become hardwired habits over time, but if we don't become aware of our habits and don't change them for the better, we will most likely see the same future tomorrow as we face the present today. We must change our disempowering habits to new empowering ones, if we wish to create a new future ahead. This is the law, let's just use it for our benefit and for the betterment of the world! 💖 🌍 When you are ready to apply the powerful impact of language to your business, click here to schedule your complimentary empowerment session with me. Comments are closed.
AuthorAvadhi Archives
May 2024
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